Sunday, December 01, 2013


It is a pity for a person like me without any expertise except my own major(CS) over 30 years old. Now the opportunity comes: my kid is attending a training violin class. At first the class is so boring, fundamental practice, music theory.... Until recently, Violin attracted me deeply.  Following the guru of violin, watch the video like the Itzhak Perlman, yes, it is pretty interesting.

My kid and I are deliberately practicing in each sparing time. We are really enjoying violin nowadays. Violin is the most achievement in 2013, thanks Violin!

Thursday, November 21, 2013


大概快一年多了,除了会share妞子的照片,转贴别人的tweet, 发几个无聊的微博,都没有正经写过任何东西了。突然觉得不写出来就对不起自己,而sina, baidu 经常变来变去的,只好放弃那些阵地,突然回过头来想起自己在这个地方有一亩三分田。google也是一个神奇的公司,6年之后一次没有登录过,竟然还是替我留着这块地。惊讶之余,还是先锄下杂草,在这里报个道再说吧。